
Be a leader — help Southington’s future stay healthy, safe, and substance free.

Southington has a long and healthy history. And STEPS has a track record of helping youth make healthy choices. Now it’s your turn to play a part. Volunteer with STEPS and be a leader in substance use prevention.

There are many ways that youth can get involved in our coalition and become a partner in prevention.

STEPS Youth Council
  • Join your school’s Asset Building Classrooms Team

    Every school in Southington is proud to have an ABC Team! Join that team and work directly with teachers and school staff to promote the STEPS Assets of the Month. Talk to your school’s ABC chairperson or contact us and we’ll connect you to the right person!

  • Apply for the STEPS Youth Council

    The STEPS Youth Council is a group of Southington students in grades 7-12. They work together on strategies to prevent substance use, promote mental health, and more.

  • Check out Southington Serves

    This website lists all of the volunteer opportunities in Southington. You can decide the dates, times, and service you want to do – whenever you have the time!  See what’s available now.

  • Apply for the Training for Tomorrow Internship Program

    Juniors and Seniors can apply for an internship throughout the school year to explore potential careers of interest. Students have worked in various places during this nine-week internship program. Contact the Southington Chamber of Commerce to learn more at (860) 628-8036.

Get updates from STEPS

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STEPS Youth Council

STEPS Youth Council

The STEPS Youth Council is a group of Southington students that ranges from grades 7 through 12. They work together on projects in substance use prevention in our schools and the wider community.

The Youth Council application period is May-June.

Follow us on Instagram for updates.